Nick Runciman Located in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.

About Nick Runciman.

Nick Runciman

Professional Rugby Player
About me

Ex-Premiership rugby player, having played for Gloucester, Worcester &. London welsh. A career spanning over 10 years. With the skills I have developed as a professional, I am fully committed to applying these to my next career.  Rugby coaching, strength & conditioning and sports performance are areas i have experience in and a passion for. I am dedicated to getting the very best out of a any team or individual.  Whether it is a competitive team, a budding sportsperson or someone just interested in increasing physical activity through personal training.

With a keen interest and first hand experience in most sports, including international honours at Rugby & Cricket. I relish any opportunity to develop athletes and allow them to achieve maximal potential in their given field.

Utilising knowledge from my background in professional environments, helps me when delivering performance sessions and enables me to create professional training regimes and pass on ideas & crucial techniques to all clients.

Qualifications & honours

-Level 3 Personal Training REPS Accredited

-Level 2 Fitness instructor

-UKSCA accredited

-Level 2 RFU Coaching

What i’m most involved in:
Rugby Coaching 100%
Personal Training 100%
Sports Boxing 50%
Circuit Training 90%
Sport Training for Children 20%
Hockey 30%
CV Fitness 100%
Other related training

Representative honours Rugby- England u16/18/19/21’s


Representative honours Cricket- Gloucestershire u17-19’s, West of England Tour of West Indies,

England u16’s.


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